On/off/off/on/on… Binary numbers are just that. That’s why computers love them. So the spikes I made with binary number are perhaps the most suitable representation. The dimensions are a bit different than with the other plots.
8 bits spikes, curve slope, in sequence (nr. 04-01)
- 8 bits so 28 = 256 circles
- Plotted on CANSON® XL® Bristol Bristolpaper.
- Black, pigmented fine liner.
- In sequence from the top left to the bottom right
- Curved spikes
- Dimensions: 26×4,5 cm
8 bits spikes, triangle slope, in sequence (nr. 04-02)
- 8 bits so 28 = 256 circles
- Plotted on CANSON® XL® Bristol Bristolpaper.
- Black, pigmented fine liner.
- In sequence from the top left to the bottom right
- Triangle shaped spikes
- Dimensions: 26×3,5 cm