Planets perspective

Does the Sun revolve around the Earth? Or does the Earth revolve around the Sun? Copernicus demonstrated that the latter is true, which immediately explained the peculiar paths of the other planets. In this plot, I have positioned myself on each planet and drawn the planetary orbits from the perspective that these planets are at the center of our planetary system. The Sun always makes a neat circle, but the other planets…

A polyptych: nine plots. Heliocentric, Mercuriocentric, Venuscentric, Geocentric, Marscentric, Jupitercentric, Saturnocentric, Uranocentric, Neptunocentric. Each planetary orbit is depicted in its own color. The Sun: yellow, Mercury: silver, Venus: gold, Earth: blue, Mars: red, Jupiter: orange, Saturn: purple, Uranus: green, and Neptune: light blue. I know this is an approximation (for example, the planets start next to each other, and the orbits are circular).

Planets perspective

  • nine plots, 28×28 cm
  • paint on black paper