On a holiday in France I saw a pillow. For sale at IKEA. But it had a nice pattern. I had to try to make it into a binary plot.

8 bits leafs with binary veins, black on white, in sequence

  • 8 bits so 28 = 256 leafs (8×32)
  • Plotted on CANSON® XL® Bristol Bristol paper A4.
  • Black pigmented pen
  • In sequence, from the top left to the bottom right
  • Dimensions: 19×19 cm








12 bits leafs with binary veins, black on white, in sequence

  • 12 bits so 212 = 4096 leafs (128*32)
  • Plotted on CANSON® XL® Bristol Bristol paper A3
  • Black pigmented pen
  • In sequence, from the top left to the bottom right
  • Dimensions: 27,5×34,5 cm


